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The project is dedicated to the creation of a media infrastructure to support an action of R & D in the field of innovative materials and energy.
In particular, the project aims to realize, in the campus of the University of Salerno, a pole for measuring power devices and superconducting materials in high magnetic fields as well as mechanical properties of materials. The idea is to set-up an infrastructure unique in Europe for testing electrical transport properties of semi-finished and superconducting wires in high magnetic field for high power, large volumes and at low temperatures.
In accordance with the strategic guidelines of the PON, the project is configured so as a "structural adjustment of excellence and ability to project national and international."

The main technological infrastructure has as its objective the testing of superconducting cables of the highest power in the contracts of international projects for controlled thermonuclear fusion by magnetic confinement of the plasma (such as ITER). In addition to this objective, the proposed infrastructure will make a significant contribution to the development of superconducting magnets for the field of High Energy Physics, applications of superconducting materials in the production and distribution of electricity, and more generally to the fields of Engineering Physics and developing technologies related to knowledge in the field of superconducting materials.

The project is presented jointly by the University of Salerno together with ENEA, INFN and CRdC (Competence Center Campano "New Technologies for Production Activities"), having the University coordination.


14 Maggio 2014 ore 11:00
Università di Salerno

"La superconduttività per l’energia:
strategie per grandi progetti di ricerca"

15-19 Maggio
Paestum (Sa)
International Conference
" Superconductivity for Energy 2014"

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